Myths, are magical drinks inspired but the god, that embodies the soul, body, mind and spirit. Each drink contains the power of each god it represents. Hebe goddess of beauty and youth ready to fill you body with the one ingredent better then botox. Taking ten years back, taste and feel the beauty. Athena goddess of wisdom and war, be ready for the greatest revalation. Giving you wisdom to not only tackle your opponent but also your life problems. Aion god of ages and the aferlife, the drink that will make you feel immortal. Become immune to all the life terror and immortal to death. Hecate goddess of witchcraft and magic. Fill your soul with awareness of the spiritual realm. Giving you faith in the things unseen. 

This project illustrates the product design using, Illustration and  fundamental design. Each drink had a unique design that represents the god and the power that it drawn. Using only three colors, each drink where design with the color that best portrays the its power and god.